Orna RPG Wiki

A tricky fighting class that favors speed and damage over defense.
It can wield light armor, daggers, bows.


Skill Info Mana Cost Level Learned
Guts Attack your opponent with blind courage, either missing or dealing critical damage. 3 3
Slash Deals extra damage and may cause bleeding. 10 5
Bleed Attack with a good chance of a critical hit. May cause bleeding. 15 15
First Aid Recover 100 health points. 25 20
Poison 90% chance to poison an opponent, dealing 5% damage every turn. 25 20
Smoke Bomb 90% chance to blind an enemy, making them more likely to miss attacks. 25 25


Name Description
N/A n/a


Work in progress

Tier 1 WarriorMageThief
Tier 2 KnightPaladinArchmageRogue
Tier 3 SorcererCenturionBattle Master
Tier 4 SpellswordMysticAdept
Tier 5 DruidDragoonMajestic
Tier 6 BattlemageGrand MysticBlademaster
Tier 7 ArchdruidDragon KnightMajistrate
Tier 8 Atlas VanguardNekromancerArcanicFreyrTaranis
Tier 9 TitanguardOmnimancerNyxBahamutHigh Taranis
Tier 10 GilgameshHereticRealmshifterBeowulfDeity
Premium Classes
Frost MageLegionnaireRoyal GuardRune KnightScorcherStorm KnightWandererWarlock ConjurorPhalanxWarlordAugurGladiatorRuneblade