Orna RPG Wiki


Player vs Player (PvP) content comes in two forms: A.I. PvP and Live PvP.

Arena's Sparring Mode, Arena's Mirror Mode, Kingdom Wars, Kingdom Roster Challenges, Area Control/Dukedoms, and Coliseums are all against AI using the the other player's equipment, skills, and pet.

Arena's PvP Mode and Ally Challenges are against a player in real time.

Experience, Gold, Orns, and Luck boosters do not affect any form of PvP's rewards, including the end rewards for Coliseums. However, things that lower Experience gained, such as Broken Monster Tomes or the Ring of Restraint (RoR), do work in lowering the amount of experience earned. The gold and orns boost on RoRs also do not apply.

Regardless of your health and mana when starting any PvP content, you will start the fight with full health and mana. The health and mana you end the fight on, including losing, does not affect your health and mana prior to starting the content.

You cannot use items in any PvP content.


Entering Arena[]

Two swords crossed over one another in an X shape.

Arena is unlocked once you reach Level 10, and Arena's Mirror Mode is unlocked at Level 50. Arena is accessed from the top menu bar of the character menu. You will see two crossing swords labelled Arena. Clicking this will bring you to the main Arena Menu.

The Arena has 3 modes, Sparring, PvP, and Mirror. Each costs 1 Arena Token to enter.

Arena Menu[]

Picture Features
Arena Menu- Sparring Screen
Arena's Sparring Mode is a fight against an A.I. using another player's stats, equipment, skills, and pet. You can flee a Sparring match if you want, but you do not gain back the Arena Token you spent. The "Opponents available" tells you the pool of available players to be matched against.

Matchmaking is broken into the following brackets:

  • Lv.10 - Lv.19
  • Lv.20 - Lv.24
  • Lv.25 - Lv.29
  • Lv.30 - Lv.39
  • Lv.40 - Lv.49
  • Lv.50 - Lv.59
  • Lv.60 - Lv.69
  • Lv.70 - Lv.74
  • Lv.75 - Lv.99 (T4)
  • Lv.100 - Lv.124 (T5)
  • Lv.125 - Lv.149 (T6)
  • Lv.150 - Lv.174 (T7)
  • Lv.175 - Lv.199 (T8)
  • Lv.200 - Lv.224 (T9)
  • Lv.225 - Lv.250 (T10, T11)
Arena PvP Menu Arena's PvP Mode is similar to sparring, but instead of fighting against an A.I., you fight against another player live. You can flee an Arena PvP match.

The gold, orns, and experience rewards from Arena's Live PvP are trippled from Sparring.

Matchmaking brackets are the same as Sparring as well.

An important note, the "Opponents Available" is not an accurate indication of the number of people waiting to be matched. It is a placeholder value to entice players to matchmake. You may be waiting a while before a match is made.

Arena Mirror Screen In Arena's Mirror Mode, you fight against an A.I. that has your stats, equipment, skills, and pet. You can flee from this fight as well.

You gain 1 Experience for winning the fight, and nothing else.


The Coliseum building

Coliseums are a lot like Dungeons/Gauntlets, but if you flee a fight in the coliseum, it's over. Once you start, you either lose or comlete it. Instead of monsters and bosses, you will always have to fight through 20 players, regardless of your tier. The cost of entry is 20 Arena Tokens. Another important note is that there is some stat scaling for your opponent as you win each fight in the coliseum. It is not currently known what the exact scaling per "floor" is.

You cannot build a coliseum, but you can upgrade your Keep to a Castle, and one will be included in the building.


There are two ways to participate in PvP content with Kingdoms. Kingdom Wars and Kingdom Roster Challenges.

Challenging another member in the Kingdom's Roster has only one difference from Ally Challenges, it's not Live PvP. You fight against an A.I. instead.

The other method is participating in Kingdom Wars. It works the same as Arena Sparring, you fight against an A.I., except that you do not chose when you are allowed to fight. The kingdom will go into War Matchmaking, you may be selected to fight, then you only have 24 hours to do your fight. You only get one chance though. If you lose, that's it. You must wait to get matched for another war. The rewards of winning a Kingdom War are covered in the Kingdoms page.

Area Control/Dukedoms[]

For Area Control, you fight against an A.I.. The rewards are the same as Arena Sparring. However, there are two distinctions. The player you fight against can be any level, above or below you. This means you are often trying to kill players well above your level for a while. There is a bright side to this. The opponent's Health, Mana, and Ward are kept between fights. If you damage them in one fight, you can come back another time and they will be at the same health, assuming nobody else is fighting for that territory.

A great way to try and kill players above your level is to use Damage over Time (DoT) debuffs, such as Poison. This way, even low level players can get territories from the top players, assuming they aren't poison immune. The downside of this is that it takes a long time, and if they have healing abilities, it may be impossible to kill them.


You can fight against your allies in Live PvP by Challenging them. This will then send a request to challenge them, and should they accept, they will join your Lobby. From there, you can start the match.

There is no cost to do this, but you only get 1 Experience for winning.

Arena Drops[]

Editors Note: This list is currently incomplete, and will be updated at a later point in time. Sorry!


Soul, Greater Soul


Potions, Mana Potions, and Elixirs

Tier 1 Gear[]

Bow, Wooden Staff, Magician Hood, Magician Robe

Tier 2 Gear[]

Steelguard, Dirk, Great Staff, Boots of Storm

Tier 3 Gear[]

FlameGuard, Frosty Daggers, Royal Dagger, Royal Longbow, Royal Helmet, Royal Hood, Royal Chestplate, Royal Boots, Warlock Staff, Warlock Hat, Warlock Robe, Boots of Fire, Warlock Boots

Tier 4 Gear[]

Silver Kris, Earthen Sceptre, Storm Sceptre, Boots of the Sea, Boots of Earth

Tier 5 Gear[]

Arcane Arrows, Royalty, Grand Sword, Caldabolg, Grand Helmet, Grand Armor, Grand Leggings, Battlemage Armor, Battlemage Helmet, Battlemage Boots, Rapier

Tier 6 Gear[]

Drynwyn, Durandal, Carnwennan, Shiva's Bow, Bow of Diana

Tier 7 Gear[]


Tier 8 Gear[]

Grioarvolr, Was, Ichaival
