Orna RPG Wiki

A royal servant to the kingdom of Annwn, skilled in elemental offense.
It can wield any piece of equipment the choose.


Skill Info Mana Cost Level Learned
Firestrike II Light your weapon aflame and attack the enemy. 75 100
Icestrike II Freeze your weapon and attack the enemy. 75 100
Earthstrike II Attack the enemy with 3arthen power. 75 100
Lightningstrike II Electrify you weapon and attack the enemy. 75 100
Darkstrike II Imbue your weapon with occult and attack the enemy. 80 110
Holystrike II Purify your weapon and attack the enemy. 80 110
Osmostrike II Attack, healing yourself in the process. 80 125
Omnistrike II Strike hard with a chance of weakening your opponents attack or defenses. 90 125
Arcane Strikes Attack thrice with unrelenting arcane energy. Requires 2 turns in battle. 60 125


Name Description
Eternal Light You forever emit a radiant light, raising your stats over time.
Critical Hits You have a way of landing that perfect strike.


Work in progress

Tier 1 WarriorMageThief
Tier 2 KnightPaladinArchmageRogue
Tier 3 SorcererCenturionBattle Master
Tier 4 SpellswordMysticAdept
Tier 5 DruidDragoonMajestic
Tier 6 BattlemageGrand MysticBlademaster
Tier 7 ArchdruidDragon KnightMajistrate
Tier 8 Atlas VanguardNekromancerArcanicFreyrTaranis
Tier 9 TitanguardOmnimancerNyxBahamutHigh Taranis
Tier 10 GilgameshHereticRealmshifterBeowulfDeity
Premium Classes
Frost MageLegionnaireRoyal GuardRune KnightScorcherStorm KnightWandererWarlock ConjurorPhalanxWarlordAugurGladiatorRuneblade