Orna RPG Wiki

A very skilled weapon master of Avalon.
It has a good chance of eluding defeat in battle and can wield equipment of both the thief and warrior.


Skill Info Mana Cost Level Learned
Horizontal Slash Attack from the side, cutting an opponent's defenses and giving Ward for 1 turn. 40 125
X Slash Swiftly attack twice, cutting an opponent's attack power and causing bleed. 50 130
Riposte Temporarily boosts your offense and defense and gives Ward for 1 turn. 75 135
Counterattack Grants a chance to return a portion of an opponent's attack back at them. Counterattacks are favorable to win in PVP draws. 50 135
Swordplay Attack multiple times, changing the course of the battle. It may cause multiple buffs and debuffs. 90 140
Coup de Grace Perform the perfect strike at the perfect time. This attack never misses and requires 3 turns in battle. 100 150


Name Description
Second chance You have a chance to escape falling in battle.
Crest of Avalon Your stats increase as you defeat berserk or arisen enemies.


Work in progress

Tier 1 WarriorMageThief
Tier 2 KnightPaladinArchmageRogue
Tier 3 SorcererCenturionBattle Master
Tier 4 SpellswordMysticAdept
Tier 5 DruidDragoonMajestic
Tier 6 BattlemageGrand MysticBlademaster
Tier 7 ArchdruidDragon KnightMajistrate
Tier 8 Atlas VanguardNekromancerArcanicFreyrTaranis
Tier 9 TitanguardOmnimancerNyxBahamutHigh Taranis
Tier 10 GilgameshHereticRealmshifterBeowulfDeity
Premium Classes
Frost MageLegionnaireRoyal GuardRune KnightScorcherStorm KnightWandererWarlock ConjurorPhalanxWarlordAugurGladiatorRuneblade