Orna RPG Wiki

A highly skilled warrior that favors attack power over all else.
It class can wield any weapon or piece of equipment found.


Skill Info Mana Cost Level Learned
Battledance 25% chance per stat to boost a stat. 50 50
Double Edge Attack without care, dealing critical damage to your opponent while taking self damage. 25 55
Cyclone Attack your opponent while spinning, inflicting damage thrice. Your opponent may become stunned. 25 60
Tricut Swiftly attack thrice, dealing up to triple damage. 25 75


Name Description
Apothecarist You are a master of potion efficacity. Healing items will recover 25% more HP and mana.
Critical Hits You have a way of landing that perfect strike.
EXP Step You learn best by being there. Your player will gain experience while walking.


Work in progress

Tier 1 WarriorMageThief
Tier 2 KnightPaladinArchmageRogue
Tier 3 SorcererCenturionBattle Master
Tier 4 SpellswordMysticAdept
Tier 5 DruidDragoonMajestic
Tier 6 BattlemageGrand MysticBlademaster
Tier 7 ArchdruidDragon KnightMajistrate
Tier 8 Atlas VanguardNekromancerArcanicFreyrTaranis
Tier 9 TitanguardOmnimancerNyxBahamutHigh Taranis
Tier 10 GilgameshHereticRealmshifterBeowulfDeity
Premium Classes
Frost MageLegionnaireRoyal GuardRune KnightScorcherStorm KnightWandererWarlock ConjurorPhalanxWarlordAugurGladiatorRuneblade