Orna RPG Wiki

A deadly risk taking rogue of Annwn trained in lost arcane techniques.
It is immune to arcane magic and can wield equipment of the thief.


Skill Info Mana Cost Level Learned
Fire Affinity Imbues your weapon with the power of fire. 80 175
Ice Affinity Imbues your weapon with the power of water & ice. 80 175
Earth Affinity Imbues your weapon with the power of the earth. 80 175
Lightning Affinity Imbues your weapon with the power of lightning. 80 175
No Affinity Removes imbuement on your weapon. 40 175
Arcanic Strike Attack with unrelenting arcane energy. It will deal especially high damage to those weak against Arcane. 60 175
Ward of Annwn Grants Ward for 5 turns and may give elemental resistance. 80 180
Quadcut Swiftly attack four times, changing the course of the battle. It may cause multiple buffs and debuffs. 120 195
Swordplay II Attack multiple times, changing the course of the battle. It may cause multiple buffs and debuffs. 120 195
Arcane Strikes III Attack 4 times with unrelenting arcane energy. Requires 3 turns in battle. 200 200


Name Description
Eternal Light II You forever emit a radiant light, raising your stats over time.
Arcane Mastery You are a master of Arcane techniques. All physical attacks and skills have a chance to freeze, paralyze, burn or rot an opponent.
Apothecarist II You are a master of potion efficacity. Healing items will recover 50% more HP and mana.
Mystic Feather Your chance to dodge attacks increases as damage is taken.
Recharge Landing a critical hit will restore HP and mana.
Critical Hits You have a way of landing that perfect strike.


Work in progress

Tier 1 WarriorMageThief
Tier 2 KnightPaladinArchmageRogue
Tier 3 SorcererCenturionBattle Master
Tier 4 SpellswordMysticAdept
Tier 5 DruidDragoonMajestic
Tier 6 BattlemageGrand MysticBlademaster
Tier 7 ArchdruidDragon KnightMajistrate
Tier 8 Atlas VanguardNekromancerArcanicFreyrTaranis
Tier 9 TitanguardOmnimancerNyxBahamutHigh Taranis
Tier 10 GilgameshHereticRealmshifterBeowulfDeity
Premium Classes
Frost MageLegionnaireRoyal GuardRune KnightScorcherStorm KnightWandererWarlock ConjurorPhalanxWarlordAugurGladiatorRuneblade